Org layer
Table of ContentsClose
- 1. Description
- 2. BibTeX
- 3. Important Note
- 4. Install
- 4.1. Layer
- 4.2.
dependencies - 4.3. Agenda notifications
- 4.4. Agenda recommendations
- 4.5. GitHub support
- 4.6. Twitter Bootstrap support
- 4.7. Gnuplot support
- 4.8. Reveal.js support
- 4.9. Org-contacts support
- 4.10. Org-journal support
- 4.11. Hugo support
- 4.12. Trello support
- 4.13. Different bullets
- 4.14. Project support
- 4.15. Org-brain support
- 4.16. Org-roam support
- 4.17. Mode line support
- 4.18. Sticky header support
- 4.19. Epub support
- 4.20. Jira support
- 4.21. Valign support
- 4.22. Org-modern support
- 4.23. Org-appear support
- 4.24. Transclusion support
- 4.25. Verb support
- 4.26. AsciiDoc support
- 4.27. Spacemacs layout integration
- 5. Key bindings
- 5.1. Starting org-mode
- 5.2. Toggles
- 5.3. Org-mode
- 5.4. Org with evil-org-mode
- 5.5. Tables
- 5.6. Trees
- 5.7. Element insertion
- 5.8. Links
- 5.9. Babel / Source Blocks
- 5.10. Emphasis
- 5.11. Navigating in calendar
- 5.12. Capture buffers and src blocks
- 5.13. Org agenda
- 5.14. Pomodoro
- 5.15. Presentation
- 5.16. Helm-org-rifle
- 5.17. Org-project-capture
- 5.18. Org-journal
- 5.19. Org-brain
- 5.20. Org-jira
- 5.21. Verb
- 5.22. Org-roam
- 5.23. Transclusion
1. Description
This layer enables org mode for Spacemacs.
1.1. Features:
- Vim inspired key bindings are provided by evil-org-mode
- Nicer bullet via org-superstar-mode
- A pomodoro method integration via org-pomodoro
- Presentation mode via org-present
- Insertion of images via org-download
- Project-specific TODOs via org-project-capture
- Easy insert of URLs from clipboard with org format via org-cliplink
- Rich insert of code (into a source block with highlighting, and a link) from other buffers via org-rich-yank
- Pixel-perfect visual alignment for Org and Markdown tables via valign
- Text transclusion via org-transclusion
2. BibTeX
For more extensive support of references through BibTeX files, have a look at the BibTeX layer.
3. Important Note
Spacemacs uses the org
version from the ELPA repository
instead of the one shipped with emacs. Then, any org
related code should not
be loaded before dotspacemacs/user-config
, otherwise both versions will be
loaded and will conflict.
Because of autoloading, calling to org
functions will trigger the loading up
of the org
shipped with emacs which will induce conflicts. One way to avoid
conflict is to wrap your org
config code in a with-eval-after-load
like this:
(with-eval-after-load 'org ;; here goes your Org config :) ;; .... )
Please also note that everything described here only applies if you install this
layer instead of manually loading org
as separate emacs package.
If this is not done you will encounter a lot of unbind key exceptions while working with org. More details can be found here.
4. Install
4.1. Layer
To use this configuration layer: in the main Spacemacs configuration
file (~/.spacemacs
), to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
add the org
4.2. TODO
If you would like to enforce dependencies in your TODO
hierarchy, this layer has
some sane default configurations to try via its org-todo-dependencies-strategy
configuration variable.
Setting it to 'naive-auto
, will cause an entry to switch to DONE
when all its
subentries are done, and to TODO
otherwise. This does not result in extra
prompts for the user, but doesn't work well with more workflow states because of
the literal DONE
and TODO
; it is an excellent place for beginners and
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-todo-dependencies-strategy 'naive-auto)))
Setting it to 'semiauto
, will cause the user to be prompted to change an entry's
state when the state of the subentries imply it: that is, when they are either
all done while it is still a todo, or the when they are all still todo's while
it is done. This assumes next to nothing about your workflow states (it does not
use literal TODO
and DONE
), but may result in additional, possibly surprising,
prompting for the user; and it has no intelligence to attempt to determine the
destination state. It is a good thing to try if 'naive-auto
does not accomplish
what you need:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-todo-dependencies-strategy 'naive-auto)))
If neither of these suffice for you, org-mode
can be configured directly by
setting org-enforce-todo-dependencies
to t
and writing your own function to
register on the org-after-todo-statistics-hook
. The layer implementation is a
good reference.
4.3. Agenda notifications
To enable notifications for agenda events, set the variable
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-notifications t org-start-notification-daemon-on-startup t)))
This will install and configure the org-wild-notifier package. After install,
run the org-wild-notifier-mode
to start the org-wild-notifier
daemon. To start the notification daemon automatically on Spacemacs startup, set
the variable org-start-notification-daemon-on-startup
to t
as shown in the
code snippet above.
Check the documentation for how org-wild-notifier can be configured
(org-wild-notifier uses the alert package for showing notifications. On
GNU/linux and Windows, using alert's notifications style is recommended. Note
also this issue). Add your preferred alert style to dotspacemacs/user-config
(setq alert-default-style 'notifications)
Press M-S RET
to enter a todo headline and then press , d t
to add a
timestamp to the headline (using , d t
requires the diary-file
variable to
point to an existing file, see Agenda recommendations. You can also use the
that becomes available by enabling org-journal
support). By default, the org-wild-notifier
package will scan your
(every minute) for TODO
headlines that include a timestamp
(configuration options are documented here). The default configuration shows a
notification 10 minutes before the event using the alert package. The default
behavior can be configured via the org-wild-notifier-alert-time
variable. The
notification type can be configured via the the alert package its configuration
settings. Additional notification times can be added using the
:WILDNOTIFIERNOTIFYBEFORE: keyword (note that this additionally requires a
stamp). Properties can be added with , i p
4.4. Agenda recommendations
Emacs comes with its own diary package included. It is recommended not to use
the diary directly. Instead of creating a diary file, create a
file and set the diary-file
variable to point to that file. To make the
holidays, birthdays etc. from the diary show up in the agenda, add the
diary-style expression entries to your
file as shown in the code
block of the Calendar/Diary integration
section here.
Subsequently, to add appointments to the agenda you could use the following syntax:
* Friday, 04/02/2021 ** Appointment 1 <2021-04-02 Fri 10:10> ** TODO Appointment 2 <2021-04-02 Fri 10:11>
or just use the org journal system. Outside org-journal
you can still use
to create the date headers. In the source
block above, the first appointment will just show up in the agenda. If
is configured, then the second appointment will also trigger
a notification 10 minutes (by default) before its due time (see Agenda
4.5. GitHub support
To install GitHub related extensions like ox-gfm to export to GitHub
flavored markdown set the variable org-enable-github-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-github-support t)))
4.6. Twitter Bootstrap support
To enable the export to Twitter Bootstrap-formatted HTML - set
the variable org-enable-bootstrap-support
to t
This would install the ox-twbs extension.
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-bootstrap-support t)))
4.7. Gnuplot support
Org-mode supports the plotting of data within tables through Gnuplot as demonstrated here.
Unfortunately, this is not terribly well supported on Windows,
at this stage. To disable the configuration of gnuplot support - add
the gnuplot
package to your dotspacemacs-excluded-packages
4.8. Reveal.js support
To enable the export of org files as a reveal.js presentation - set the
variable org-enable-reveal-js-support
to t
This would install the org-re-reveal Emacs extension.
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-enable-reveal-js-support t)))
Then the extension needs to be pointed to the reveal.js
So download reveal.js
and point org-re-reveal-root
to the path,
as it described in the manual.
Alternatively, add the following line to each .org
file you want to process:
4.9. Org-contacts support
org-contacts is a handy contacts management system. It can be used to manage (email) addresses (compatible with gnus, mu4e, notmuch etc.), birthdays and more. It is simpler than bbdb/ebdb and probably powerful enough for most users.
To install org-contacts, set the variable org-enable-org-contacts-support
. Optionally, also set the variable org-contacts-files
and add a capture
template. The value of the org-contacts-files
variable should be a list with
filenames to use as contact sources. If set to nil
(default) then all your Org
files will be used. The first file in the org-contacts-files
list can be
visited with the keyboard shortcut SPC a o C f
(org :variables org-enable-org-contacts-support t org-contacts-files '("~/Org/" "~/Org/") org-capture-templates '(("c" "Contacts" entry (file "~/Org/") "* %(org-contacts-template-name) :PROPERTIES: :EMAIL: %(org-contacts-template-email) :END:")))
A more elaborate capture template can be found in the org-contacts.el
Contacts can include the :BIRTHDAY: keyword. To include the birthdays in your
org-agenda add %%(org-contacts-anniversaries)
to one of your contacts files.
It is important that this is inserted after a heading an that it has no
preceding whitespace. So probably the best way is to add
* Birthdays %%(org-contacts-anniversaries)
to the beginning or the end of one of your contacts files.
4.9.1. V-Card import/export
Importing/exporting contacts can be done via the `org-vcard-import/export` commands provided by the org-vcard package. This package gets installed automatically after enabling org contacts support.
4.10. Org-journal support
org-journal is a simple journal management system that:
- Keeps a separate journal file for each day inside a directory
- New daily file would always migrate entries with chosen TODO states
- Has journal encryption functionality
- Easily integrates with org-agenda and Emacs calendar, iCalendar, allows scheduling
- Easily integrates with org-capture
To install org-journal - set the variable org-enable-org-journal-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-org-journal-support t)))
By default, journal files are stored in ~/Documents/journal/
. To override
this - set org-journal-dir
variable in the dotspacemacs/user-config
(setq org-journal-dir "~/org/journal/")
To change the journal file name format - alter org-journal-file-format
(setq org-journal-file-format "%Y-%m-%d")
Warning: setting org-journal-file-format
to include a file extension like
would break the calendar search functionality.
By default, journal files are started with a first level heading (*
) followed
by the date in the form set by locale. To format journal files differently:
. For example, to have new journal files created with this header:#+TITLE: Tuesday, September 06 2016
define the following in
:(setq org-journal-date-prefix "#+TITLE: ") (setq org-journal-date-format "%A, %B %d %Y")
The default entry is a second level heading (=** =) followed by a timestamp. If you start your journal files with a Title as shown above you may want to adjust entries to start at the first level heading and you may want to change or omit the timestamp.
(setq org-journal-time-prefix "* ") (setq org-journal-time-format "")
Any of the org-journal settings can be configured in dotspacemacs/user-config
or defined alongside the layer itself.
For example:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-org-journal-support t org-journal-dir "~/org/journal/" org-journal-file-format "%Y-%m-%d" org-journal-date-prefix "#+TITLE: " org-journal-date-format "%A, %B %d %Y" org-journal-time-prefix "* " org-journal-time-format "") )
4.11. Hugo support
4.12. Trello support
To install Trello support set the variable org-enable-trello-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-trello-support t)))
4.13. Different bullets
You can tweak the bullets displayed in the org buffer in the function
of your dotfile by setting the variable
. By default the list is set to (?◉ ?○ ?✸ ?✿)
(setq org-superstar-headline-bullets-list '(?■ ?◆ ?▲ ?▶))
You can disable the fancy bullets entirely by adding org-superstar
to dotspacemacs-excluded-packages
(dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '(org-superstar))
4.14. Project support
Set the layer variable org-project-capture-projects-file
to the filename where you want to
store project-specific TODOs. If this is an absolute path, all todos will be
stored in the same file (organized by project), whereas if it is just a single
filename, todos will be stored in each project root.
We currently only support org-projectile
as backend as it supports more features than
the build in project.el
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-project-capture-projects-file "")))
You can also pass a function as `org-project-capture-projects-file`. This allows you to set file name based on project
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-project-capture-projects-file '(lambda (arg) (concat (projectile-project-name) ".org")))))
The TODO files are not added to the agenda automatically. You can do this with the following snippet.
(with-eval-after-load 'org-agenda (require 'org-project-capture) (mapcar '(lambda (file) (when (file-exists-p file) (push file org-agenda-files))) (org-project-capture-projects-file)))
4.15. Org-brain support
For Emacs 25 or later, to install org-brain set the variable org-enable-org-brain-support
to t
See the org-brain package documentation for more information.
4.16. Org-roam support
To install org-roam support set the variable org-enable-roam-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-roam-support t)))
More information about org-roam package (including manual) can be found at Org-roam website.
4.16.1. Org-roam-ui support
To install support for org-roam-ui set the variable org-enable-roam-ui
to t
Use M-x org-roam-ui-mode
to enable the global mode. It will start a web browser and connect to it for real-time updates.
4.16.2. Org-roam-protocol support
To enable support for Org Roam Protocol set the variable
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-roam-protocol t)))
And create a desktop file as described in the org-roam manual.
4.17. Mode line support
To temporarily enable mode line display of org clock, press SPC t m c
To permanently enable mode line display of org clock, add this snippet to your
(setq spaceline-org-clock-p t)
4.18. Sticky header support
To install sticky header support set the variable org-enable-sticky-header
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-sticky-header t)))
4.19. Epub support
4.20. Jira support
To bring Jira and OrgMode together over org-jira set the variable
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '( (org :variables org-enable-jira-support t jiralib-url "")))
If you would like to avoid being prompted for your login and password each time
you connect, add your authentication credentials to ~/.authinfo.gpg
machine login password yourPassword port 443
4.21. Valign support
To install valign. Which provides:
Pixel-perfect visual alignment for Org and Markdown tables.
Set the variable org-enable-valign
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-enable-valign t)))
Known problem: Rendering large tables (≥100 lines) is laggy.
Valign and org-modern (below) both provide visual enhancements for org
tables (if org-modern-table
is non-nil), and they are not compatible
with each other.
4.22. Org-modern support
org-modern beautifies org files with many visual enhancements.
It toggles visibility of some markers, changes faces of common elements and just "modernizes" the visual appearance.
To enable it by default, set the org-enable-modern-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-enable-modern-support t)))
To toggle its features, either call M-x org-modern-mode
or ESC , T m
Org-modern and valign (above) both provide visual enhancements for org
tables (if org-modern-table
is non-nil), and they are not compatible
with each other.
4.23. Org-appear support
To install org-appear, which toggles visibility of emphasis markers, links, subscripts, and superscripts in org mode, set the org-enable-appear-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-enable-appear-support t)))
If you set org-appear-trigger
to manual
and your editing style is vim
or hybrid
is turned on in insert mode but not in normal mode.
4.24. Transclusion support
To install org-transclusion, which allows you to include a view of another file
via a file link or an ID lin, set the org-enable-transclusion-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-enable-transclusion-support t)))
4.25. Verb support
To install Verb, an HTTP client based on Org mode, set the
variable to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-enable-verb-support t)))
4.26. AsciiDoc support
To install Org exporter ox-asciidoc, that generates AsciiDoc documents, set the
variable org-enable-asciidoc-support
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((org :variables org-enable-asciidoc-support t)))
4.27. Spacemacs layout integration
A Spacemacs custom layout @Org
is defined by the layer and accessible via SPC l o
. The startup behavior can be customized with the following layer variables:
Defines the org file buffer that should be opened after startup. Defaults to the first file inorg-agenda-files
, iforg-persp-startup-org-file
is set tonil
If non-nil, sets initial buffer to the specified (custom) org-agenda buffer, e.g.(setq org-persp-startup-with-agenda "a")
5. Key bindings
5.1. Starting org-mode
Key binding | Description |
SPC a o # |
org agenda list stuck projects |
SPC a o / |
org occur in agenda files |
SPC a o a |
org agenda list |
SPC a o c |
org capture |
SPC a o e |
org store agenda views |
SPC a o f i |
org feed goto inbox |
SPC a o f u |
org feed update all |
SPC a o C c |
org cancel clock |
SPC a o C g |
org goto last clocked-in clock (go to specific recent clock with SPC u ) |
SPC a o C i |
org clock in |
SPC a o C I |
org clock in last |
SPC a o C j |
org jump to current clock |
SPC a o C o |
org clock out |
SPC a o C r |
org resolve clocks |
SPC a o l |
org store link |
SPC a o m |
org tags view |
SPC a o o |
org agenda |
SPC a o s |
org search view |
SPC a o t |
org todo list |
SPC C c |
org-capture |
5.2. Toggles
Key binding | Description |
SPC m T c |
org-toggle-checkbox |
SPC m T e |
org-toggle-pretty-entities |
SPC m T i |
org-toggle-inline-images |
SPC m T n |
org-num-mode |
SPC m T l |
org-toggle-link-display |
SPC m T t |
org-show-todo-tree |
SPC m T T |
org-todo |
SPC m T V |
toggle space-doc-mode a read-only view mode |
SPC m T x |
org-preview-latex-fragment |
5.3. Org-mode
Key binding | Description |
SPC m <dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key> |
org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c |
SPC m * |
org-ctrl-c-star |
org-ctrl-c-ret |
SPC m - |
org-ctrl-c-minus |
~SPC m '~ | org-edit-special |
SPC m a |
org-agenda |
SPC m A |
org-attach |
SPC m c |
org-capture |
SPC m C c |
org-clock-cancel |
SPC m C d |
Temporarily show clock times for current file |
SPC m C e |
org-evaluate-time-range |
SPC m C g |
org-clock-goto |
SPC m C i |
org-clock-in |
SPC m C I |
org-clock-in-last |
SPC m C j |
Jump to the current clock |
SPC m C o |
org-clock-out |
SPC m C R |
Insert clock report |
SPC m C r |
org-resolve-clocks |
SPC m d d |
org-deadline |
SPC m d s |
org-schedule |
SPC m d t |
org-time-stamp |
SPC m d T |
org-time-stamp-inactive |
SPC m e e |
org-export-dispatch |
SPC m e m |
send current buffer as HTML email message |
SPC m f i |
org-feed-goto-inbox |
SPC m f u |
org-feed-update-all |
SPC m l |
org-open-at-point |
SPC m L |
org-shiftright |
SPC m H |
org-shiftleft |
SPC m K |
org-shiftup |
SPC m J |
org-shiftdown |
SPC m C-S-l |
org-shiftcontrolright |
SPC m C-S-h |
org-shiftcontrolleft |
SPC m C-S-j |
org-shiftcontroldown |
SPC m C-S-k |
org-shiftcontrolup |
SPC s j |
spacemacs/jump-in-buffer (jump to a heading) |
5.4. Org with evil-org-mode
Please see the evil-org documentation for additional instructions on customizing
Insert state
In evil insert-state, use the introspection functions under M-m
h d
and M-RET
to discover key bindings. The following table shows keybindings
for some of the most frequently used commands
Key binding | Description |
org-meta-return (dwim retrun) |
M-h/l |
org-meta-left/right (e.g. promote/demote heading) |
Normal state
Key binding | Description |
gj / gk |
Next/previous element (heading) |
gh / gl |
Parent/child element (heading) |
gH |
Root heading |
ae |
Element text object |
ar |
Subtree text object |
M-j / M-k |
Move heading |
M-h / M-l |
Promote or demote heading |
M-J / M-K |
Move subtree |
M-H / M-L |
Promote or demote subtree |
>> / << |
Promote or demote heading |
If the layer variable org-want-todo-bindings
is true, the following bindings
are also available.
Key bindings | Description |
t |
Cycle TODO state of current heading |
T |
Insert new TODO heading |
M-t |
Insert new TODO sub-heading |
5.5. Tables
Key binding | Description |
SPC m t a |
Align the table at point by aligning all vertical bars |
SPC m t b |
Blank the current table field or active region |
SPC m t c |
Convert from org-mode table to table.el and back |
SPC m t d c |
Delete a column from the table |
SPC m t d r |
Delete the current row or horizontal line from the table |
SPC m t e |
Replace the table field value at the cursor by the result of a calculation |
SPC m t E |
Export table to a file, with configurable format |
SPC m t f |
Show table field info |
SPC m t h |
Go to the previous field in the table |
SPC m t H |
Move column to the left |
SPC m t i c |
Insert a new column into the table |
SPC m t i h |
Insert a horizontal-line below the current line into the table |
SPC m t i H |
Insert a hline and move to the row below that line |
SPC m t i r |
Insert a new row above the current line into the table |
SPC m t I |
Import a file as a table |
SPC m t j |
Go to the next row (same column) in the current table |
SPC m t J |
Move table row down |
SPC m t K |
Move table row up |
SPC m t l |
Go to the next field in the current table, creating new lines as needed |
SPC m t L |
Move column to the right |
SPC m t n |
Query for a size and insert a table skeleton |
SPC m t N |
Use the table.el package to insert a new table |
SPC m t p |
Plot the table using org-plot/gnuplot |
SPC m t r |
Recalculate the current table line by applying all stored formulas |
SPC m t R |
Recalculate all tables in the current buffer by applying all stored formulas |
SPC m t s |
Sort table lines according to the column at point |
SPC m t t f |
Toggle the formula debugger in tables |
SPC m t t o |
Toggle the display of Row/Column numbers in tables |
SPC m t w |
Wrap several fields in a column like a paragraph |
5.6. Trees
Key binding | Description |
gj / gk |
Next/previous element (heading) |
gh / gl |
Parent/child element (heading) |
gH |
Root heading |
ae |
Element text object |
ar |
Subtree text object |
M-j / M-k |
Move heading |
M-h / M-l |
Promote or demote heading |
M-J / M-K |
Move subtree |
M-H / M-L |
Promote or demote subtree |
>> / << |
Promote or demote heading |
org-cycle |
SPC m s a |
Toggle archive tag for subtree |
SPC m s A |
Archive subtree |
SPC m s b |
org-tree-to-indirect-buffer |
SPC m s d |
org-cut-subtree |
SPC m s y |
org-copy-subtree |
SPC m s p |
org-paste-subtree |
SPC m s l |
org-demote-subtree |
SPC m s h |
org-promote-subtree |
SPC m s k |
org-move-subtree-up |
SPC m s j |
org-move-subtree-down |
SPC m s n |
org-narrow-to-subtree |
SPC m s w |
widen narrowed subtree |
SPC m s r |
org-refile |
SPC m s s |
show sparse tree |
SPC m s S |
sort trees |
5.7. Element insertion
Key binding | Description |
Insert heading at end of current subtree |
Insert TODO heading at end of current subtree |
SPC m i d |
org-insert-drawer |
SPC m i D s |
Take screenshot |
SPC m i D y |
Yank image url |
SPC m i e |
org-set-effort |
SPC m i f |
org-insert-footnote |
SPC m i h |
org-insert-heading |
SPC m i H |
org-insert-heading-after-current |
SPC m i i |
org-insert-item |
SPC m i K |
spacemacs/insert-keybinding-org |
SPC m i l |
org-insert-link |
SPC m i L |
insert URL with its page title from clipboard |
SPC m i n |
org-add-note |
SPC m i p |
org-set-property |
SPC m i r |
org-rich-yank (paste code into a src block) |
SPC m i s |
org-insert-subheading |
SPC m i t |
org-set-tags |
5.8. Links
Key binding | Description |
SPC m x o |
org-open-at-point |
5.9. Babel / Source Blocks
Besides the key bindings mentioned here it is recommended to use the auto-completion layer and its yasnippet key bindings in particular.
Key binding | Description |
SPC m b . |
Enter Babel Transient State |
SPC m b a |
org-babel-sha1-hash |
SPC m b b |
org-babel-execute-buffer |
SPC m b c |
org-babel-check-src-block |
SPC m b d |
org-babel-demarcate-block |
SPC m b e |
org-babel-execute-maybe |
SPC m b f |
org-babel-tangle-file |
SPC m b g |
org-babel-goto-named-src-block |
SPC m b i |
org-babel-lob-ingest |
SPC m b I |
org-babel-view-src-block-info |
SPC m b j |
org-babel-insert-header-arg |
SPC m b l |
org-babel-load-in-session |
SPC m b n |
org-babel-next-src-block |
SPC m b o |
org-babel-open-src-block-result |
SPC m b p |
org-babel-previous-src-block |
SPC m b r |
org-babel-goto-named-result |
SPC m b s |
org-babel-execute-subtree |
SPC m b t |
org-babel-tangle |
SPC m b u |
org-babel-goto-src-block-head |
SPC m b v |
org-babel-expand-src-block |
SPC m b x |
org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer |
SPC m b z |
org-babel-switch-to-session |
SPC m b Z |
org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code |
5.9.1. Org Babel Transient State
Use SPC m b .
to enter a transient state for quick source block navigation and
execution. During that state, the following bindings are active:
Key binding | Description |
' |
edit source block |
e |
execute source block |
g |
jump to named source block |
j |
jump to next source block |
k |
jump to previous source block |
z |
recenter buffer in window |
q |
leave transient state |
5.10. Emphasis
Key binding | Description |
SPC m x b |
make region bold |
SPC m x c |
make region code |
SPC m x i |
make region italic |
SPC m x r |
clear region emphasis |
SPC m x s |
make region strike-through |
SPC m x u |
make region underline |
SPC m x v |
make region verbatim |
5.12. Capture buffers and src blocks
and org-src-mode
both support the confirm and abort
Key binding | Description |
SPC m <dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key> |
confirm in org-capture-mode |
~SPC m '~ | confirm in org-src-mode |
SPC m c |
confirm |
SPC m a |
abort |
SPC m k |
abort |
SPC m r |
org-capture-refile in org-capture-mode |
5.13. Org agenda
5.13.1. Key bindings
The evilified org agenda supports the following bindings:
Key binding | Description |
M-SPC or s-M-SPC |
org-agenda transient state |
SPC m a |
org-agenda |
SPC m [ |
org-agenda-file-to-front |
SPC m ] |
org-remove-file |
SPC m , |
org-agenda-ctrl-c-ctrl-c |
SPC m c |
org-agenda-capture |
SPC m C c |
org-agenda-clock-cancel |
SPC m C i |
org-agenda-clock-in |
SPC m C o |
org-agenda-clock-out |
SPC m C j |
org-agenda-clock-goto |
SPC m C p |
org-pomodoro (if package is used) |
SPC m d d |
org-agenda-deadline |
SPC m d s |
org-agenda-schedule |
SPC m i e |
org-agenda-set-effort |
SPC m i p |
org-agenda-set-property |
SPC m i P |
org-agenda-priority |
SPC m i t |
org-agenda-set-tags |
SPC m s r |
org-agenda-refile |
M-j |
next item |
M-k |
previous item |
M-h |
earlier view |
M-l |
later view |
gr |
refresh |
gd |
toggle grid |
C-v |
change view |
org-agenda-goto |
org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up |
5.13.2. Org agenda transient state
Use SPC m .
or s-M-SPC
in an org agenda buffer to activate its
transient state. The transient state aims to list the most useful org agenda
commands and visually organize them by category. The commands associated with
each binding are listed bellow.
Key binding | Description | Command |
Entry | ||
h: |
set tags | org-agenda-set-tags |
hA |
archive | org-agenda-archive-default |
ht |
set status | org-agenda-todo |
hk |
kill | org-agenda-kill |
hp |
set priority | org-agenda-priority |
hR |
refile | org-agenda-refile |
Visit entry | ||
in other window | org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up |
& go to location | org-agenda-goto |
& del other windows | org-agenda-switch-to |
o |
link | link-hint-open-link |
Filter | ||
fc |
by category | org-agenda-filter-by-category |
fd |
delete all filters | org-agenda-filter-remove-all |
fh |
by top headline | org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline |
ft |
by tag | org-agenda-filter-by-tag |
fx |
by regexp | org-agenda-filter-by-regexp |
Date | ||
+ |
do later | org-agenda-do-date-later |
- |
do earlier | org-agenda-do-date-earlier |
dd |
set deadline | org-agenda-deadline |
dD |
remove deadline | org-agenda-deadline |
ds |
schedule | org-agenda-schedule |
dS |
un-schedule | org-agenda-schedule |
dt |
timestamp | org-agenda-date-prompt |
Toggle | ||
ta |
archive | org-agenda-archives-mode |
tc |
clocking issues | org-agenda-show-clocking-issues |
td |
diaries | org-agenda-toggle-diary |
tf |
follow | org-agenda-follow-mode |
tl |
log | org-agenda-log-mode |
tr |
clock report | org-agenda-clockreport-mode |
View | ||
vd |
day | org-agenda-day-view |
vm |
month | org-agenda-month-view |
vn |
next span | org-agenda-later |
vp |
prev span | org-agenda-earlier |
vr |
reset | org-agenda-reset-view |
vt |
fortnight | org-agenda-fortnight-view |
vw |
week | org-agenda-week-view |
vy |
year | org-agenda-year-view |
Clock | ||
cI |
in | org-agenda-clock-in |
cj |
jump | org-agenda-clock-goto |
cO |
out | org-agenda-clock-out |
cq |
cancel | org-agenda-clock-cancel |
Other | ||
. |
go to today | org-agenda-goto-today |
gd |
go to date | org-agenda-goto-date |
gr |
reload | org-agenda-redo |
5.14. Pomodoro
Key binding | Description |
SPC m C p |
starts a pomodoro |
5.15. Presentation
org-present must be activated explicitly by typing: SPC SPC org-present
Key binding | Description |
h |
previous slide |
l |
next slide |
q |
quit |
5.16. Helm-org-rifle
Key binding | Description |
SPC a o / |
Search org files for keywords and headings |
5.17. Org-project-capture
Key binding | Description |
SPC a o p |
Capture a TODO for the current project |
SPC u SPC a o p |
Capture a TODO for any given project (choose from list) |
SPC p o |
Go to the TODOs for the current project |
5.18. Org-journal
Key binding | Description |
SPC a o j f |
Visit journal file |
SPC a o j j |
New journal entry |
SPC u SPC a o j j |
Open today's journal without adding a new entry |
SPC a o j s |
Search journal entries |
SPC a o j t |
New scheduled journal entry |
SPC a o j v |
View scheduled journal entries |
Journal entries are highlighted in the calendar. The following key bindings are
available for calendar-mode
for navigating and manipulating the journal.
Key binding | Description |
SPC m i |
Insert journal entry for date |
SPC m m |
Search calendar month journal entries |
SPC m n |
Next journal entry |
SPC m p |
Previous journal entry |
SPC m r |
Read journal entry |
SPC m s |
Search all journal entries |
SPC m w |
Search calendar week journal entries |
SPC m y |
Search calendar year journal entries |
While viewing a journal entry in org-journal-mode
the following key bindings
are available.
Key binding | Description |
SPC m j |
New journal entry |
SPC m n |
Next journal entry |
SPC m p |
Previous journal entry |
5.19. Org-brain
5.19.1. Application bindings
Key binding | Description |
SPC a o B v |
Visualize an org-brain entry |
SPC a o B a |
Go to the org-brain agenda |
5.19.2. org-mode bindings
Key binding | Description |
SPC m B a c |
Add child |
SPC m B a h |
Add headline child |
SPC m B a f |
Add friend |
SPC m B a p |
Add parent |
SPC m B a r |
Add resource |
SPC m B g g |
Go to an org-brain entry |
SPC m B g c |
Go to child |
SPC m B g f |
Go to friend |
SPC m B g p |
Go to parent |
SPC m B R |
Refile entry |
SPC m B x |
Delete entry |
SPC m B v |
Visualize an org-brain entry |
5.19.3. Visualization bindings
Key binding | Description |
j / TAB |
Goto next link |
k / S-TAB |
Goto previous link |
C-y |
Paste resource link |
a |
Add resource attachment |
c |
Add child |
f |
Find/visit another entry to visualize |
l |
Add resource link |
p |
Add parent |
o |
Open and edit the visualized entry |
r |
Rename this, or another, entry |
5.20. Org-jira
Key binding prefixes:
SPC a o J
(everywhere)SPC m m j
(in an org-mode buffer)
Key binding | Description |
[prefix] p g |
Get projects list |
[prefix] i b |
Open the current issue in a WWW browser |
[prefix] i g |
Get issues |
[prefix] i h |
Get only head of issues |
[prefix] i f |
Get only head of issues from filter |
[prefix] i u |
Update an issue at point |
[prefix] i w |
Progress an issue at point |
[prefix] i r |
Refresh an issue at point |
[prefix] i c |
Create an issue at point |
[prefix] i y |
Copy current issue key |
[prefix] s c |
Create a subtask |
[prefix] s g |
Get subtasks |
[prefix] c u |
Update the comment at point or add a new comment |
[prefix] t j |
Convert the TODO item at point to a Jira ticket |
5.21. Verb
5.21.1. Verb-mode bindings
Key binding | Description |
SPC m r r |
Send request on point in another window, but don't select it |
SPC m r s |
Send request on point in another window |
SPC m r m |
Send request on point, show result status in minibuffer |
SPC m r f |
Send request on point in selected window |
SPC m r k |
Kill all response buffers and their windows |
SPC m r e |
Export request on point (prompt for format) |
SPC m r u |
Export request on point to curl format |
SPC m r b |
Export request on point to Verb format |
SPC m r v |
Set value of a Verb variable |
5.21.2. Verb-response-body-mode bindings
Key binding | Description |
SPC m r r |
Toggle display headers for current response |
SPC m r k |
Kill current response buffer and its window |
SPC m r f |
Re-send current response |
5.21.3. Verb-response-headers-mode bindings
Key binding | Description |
SPC m r q |
Kill current response headers buffer and its window |
5.22. Org-roam
Key binding prefixes:
SPC a o r
(anywhere)SPC m r
(in an org-mode buffer)
Key binding | Description |
SPC m r c |
Capture |
SPC m r l |
Toggle org-roam links visibility |
SPC m r f |
Find node in org-roam |
SPC m r i |
Insert node into org-roam |
SPC m r g |
Visualize org-roam graph |
SPC m r a |
Add org-roam alias to file |
SPC m r d y |
Open yesterday's daily note |
SPC m r d t |
Open today's daily note |
SPC m r d T |
Open tomorrow's daily note |
SPC m r d d |
Open daily note via calendar view |
SPC m r t a |
Add a tag to file |
SPC m r t r |
Remove a tag from file |
org-roam buffer
Key binding | Description |
o |
Follow link |
r |
Refresh org-roam buffer |
5.23. Transclusion
Key binding | Description |
SPC m u u |
Transclude under cursor |
SPC m u U |
Transclude all in buffer |
SPC m u d |
De-transclude under cursor |
SPC m u D |
De-transclude all in buffer |
SPC m u l |
Demote transcluded subtree |
SPC m u h |
Promote transcluded subtree |
SPC m u r |
Refresh transclusion in buffer |
SPC m u g |
Go to transclusion source |