Table of Contents

Restclient layer

Table of ContentsClose

1. Description

This layer provides a REPL-like interface for http requests.

1.1. Features:

2. Install

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add restclient to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

3. Configuration

By default the layer uses restclient. To use org via ob-http by default set the layer variable restclient-use-org to t.

Note that both restclient and ob-http are always installed so you can choose the mode at any time.

4. Restclient

Any file with an .http extension is opened in a restclient buffer. Full documentation and examples can be found in the package's GitHub Page. Also there is an Emacs Rocks! episode of it.

There is support for org-babel and restclient code blocks, for instance:

#+BEGIN_SRC restclient

4.1. Key bindings

Key binding Description
SPC m j helm-restclient
SPC m n Jump to next request
SPC m p Jump to previous request
SPC m s Send and stay in window (pretty-print response if possible)
SPC m S Send and switch window (pretty-print response if possible)
SPC m r Send and stay in window (do not attempt to pretty-print)
SPC m R Send and switch window (do not attempt to pretty-print)
SPC m y Copy query under the cursor as a curl command

5. ob-http

Any file with an .http extension is opened in an org buffer with org babel configured to use ob-http. Full documentation and examples can be found in the package's GitHub Page.

Author: root

Created: 2025-03-21 Fri 21:00
