Table of Contents

Rebox layer

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1. Description

This layer adds support for rebox2 package which is a minor-mode allowing to easily add ASCII text boxes to a buffer.

A nice video demonstration by the package author can be found here.

1.1. Features:

  • Auto-wrap correctly in comments,
  • Auto-fill correctly in comments,
  • Boxes auto-adapt as text is inserted or deleted,
  • S-RET to continue a comment on the next line,
  • Kill/yank within the box,
  • Apparently works well with ancient filladpt-mode (see authors video).

2. Install

2.1. Layer

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add rebox to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

2.2. Configuration

2.2.1. Styles cycling

Box styles are identified by numbers, it is possible to cycle through a list of styles using SPC x b n. This list can be customized by setting the variable rebox-style-loop.

(setq rebox-style-loop '(71 72 73))

2.2.2. Text mode

As text mode usage could surprise some users (e.g., when they enter M-q to fill a paragraph) rebox is not enabled by default in text-mode. To enable it you need to set the layer variable rebox-enable-in-text-mode to t.

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
    (rebox :variables rebox-enable-in-text-mode t)))

3. Style Templates

3.1. Standard packaged templates

You can find the full list of templates in "Box templates" section of rebox2.el


These templates are single line comments styles. A # is used here for illustration; however, it will work equally well if the comment character is different (e.g., lisp's ; comment character).

3.2. Additional Templates

These templates are added by the Spacemacs layer.

# box style 71

# ------------
# box style 72
# ------------

# ============
# box style 73
# ============

# box style 74

# box style 75

# box style 76

## box style 81

## ------------
## box style 82
## ------------

## ============
## box style 83
## ============

## box style 84

## box style 85

## box style 86

4. Key bindings

Note: Use a numerical prefix argument to choose a specific style for instance 86 SPC x b b to use the style 86 above.

Key binding Command
SPC x b > Move box to the right (point must be around left side of the box)
SPC x b < Move box to the left (point must be around left side of the box)
SPC x b b Draw next box defined in rebox-style-loop
SPC x b B Draw previous box defined in rebox-style-loop
SPC x b c Center box (point must be around left side of the box)
S-RET rebox-indent-new-line

Author: root

Created: 2025-03-21 Fri 21:00
