Table of Contents

Puppet layer

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1. Description

This layer provides support for the Puppet DSL to Spacemacs.

1.1. Features:

  • Syntax highlighting via puppet-mode
  • Syntax-checking via puppet-lint
  • Navigation commands to jump between blocks
  • Applying the content of the current manifest directly from Emacs

2. Install

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add puppet to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

To get syntax checking to work you will also need to install puppet-lint by executing:

$ gem install puppet-lint

3. Key bindings

The following key bindings are available in Puppet Mode:

Key binding Description
SPC m { Move to the beginning of the current block
SPC m } Move to the end of the current block
SPC m a Align parameters in the current block
~SPC m '​~ Toggle string quoting between single and double
SPC m ; Blank the string at point
SPC m j Jump to a class, define, variable or resource
SPC m c Apply the current manifest in dry-run mode
SPC m v Validate the syntax of the current manifest
SPC m l Check the current manifest for semantic issues
SPC m $ Interpolate with ${} in double quoted strings

Use M-x customize-group RET puppet to customize Puppet Mode.

Author: root

Created: 2025-03-21 Fri 21:00
