Elfeed layer
Table of ContentsClose
1. Description
This layer integrates a web feed reader into spacemacs.
1.1. Features:
- Support for reading RSS and Atom feeds directly within emacs via Elfeed.
- Support for managing feeds via org files supplied by elfeed-org.
- Support for displaying feed database content in the browser via web interface.
2. Install
2.1. Layer
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add elfeed
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
By default, elfeed
stores its database under ~/.elfeed
2.2. Setup feeds
2.2.1. With Org
It is recommended to manage your feeds list and tags via org files, this is possible thanks to elfeed-org package. To define a list of org files:
(elfeed :variables rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "~/.emacs.d/private/elfeed1.org" "~/.emacs.d/private/elfeed2.org"))
Checkout elfeed-org documentation to see the format of that file.
Here is an example of such a file (note the usage of org tags to tag your feeds)
* Blogs :elfeed: ** entry-title: \(linux\|linus\|ubuntu\|kde\|gnome\) :linux: ** http://git-annex.branchable.com/design/assistant/blog/index.rss :mustread: ** http://feeds.feedburner.com/InformationIsBeautiful ** Org Mode Links supported as well ** Software Development :dev: *** Emacs :emacs:mustread: **** http://nullprogram.com/feed/ **** entry-title: \(emacs\|org-mode\) **** https://planet.emacslife.com/atom.xml *** Web Development :web: **** http://feeds.feedburner.com/symfony/blog **** http://feeds.feedburner.com/qooxdoo/blog/content *** Eclipse :eclipse: **** http://blog.eclipse-tips.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss **** http://ed-merks.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default **** http://feeds.feedburner.com/eclipselive
2.2.2. Manually
To explicitly setup the list of feeds, set the value of elfeed-feeds
in your .spacemacs
(elfeed :variables elfeed-feeds '(("http://nullprogram.com/feed/" blog emacs) "http://www.50ply.com/atom.xml" ; no autotagging ("http://nedroid.com/feed/" webcomic)))
Check documentation for elfeed-feeds
for more information about this variable
(SPC h d v elfeed-feeds RET
2.3. Server
Elfeed comes with a simple web interface to browse its database. You can manually
start it by calling elfeed-web-start
or by setting elfeed-enable-web-interface
to t
which will start the web automatically when Emacs starts.
By default web interface is available on localhost:8080/elfeed. You can change
the default port by changing the value of httpd-port
(elfeed :variables elfeed-enable-web-interface t)
2.4. Elfeed goodies
Elfeed layer loads a set of useful helper functions and bindings to improve your elfeed experience.
Normally these should help you however there are some workflows where these may rather hinder you.
In this case you can disable these by setting elfeed-enable-goodies
to nil
(elfeed :variables elfeed-enable-goodies nil)
3. Key bindings
Key binding | Description |
SPC a r e |
start elfeed |
Use SPC ?
to discover major-mode key bindings.
Key binding | Description |
c |
compact feed db |
gr |
update all the feeds |
gR |
force refresh view of the feed listing |
gu |
unjam elfeed if it is slow due to slow connection |
o |
load OPML |
q |
quit main window, or item view buffer. |
w |
start web server |
W |
stop web server |
In elfeed-show
mode, you can use the following bindings:
Key binding | Description |
q |
quit show window |
C-j |
Next entry |
C-k |
Previous entry |
4. Troubleshooting
4.1. Database empty at first start
Be sure that you added some feeds first then load your feeds with gr
in evilified buffer. Or M-x elfeed-update
4.2. Queue timeout exceeded
If you are getting "Queue timeout exceeded" errors, try increasing
the value of url-queue-timeout
(elfeed :variables url-queue-timeout 30)