Table of Contents

NixOS layer

Table of ContentsClose


1. Description

This layer adds tools for better integration of Emacs in NixOS.

1.1. Features:

2. Install

2.1. Layer

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add nixos to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

3. Configuration

3.1. Enabling LSP (Experimental)

To use the experimental LSP backend, set variable nix-backend to lsp in your ~./spacemacs. (You would also need to enable LSP layer).

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
              (nixos :variables nix-backend 'lsp))

To install rnix-lsp from nix, run the following command in shell:

nix-env -i -f

3.2. Format on save

To enable automatic formatting on save, set the layer variable nixos-format-on-save to t:

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
              (nixos :variables nixos-format-on-save t))

3.3. Opt-out from auto-complete

On some systems, company-nixos-options may be very slow. If this is the case, see the section on disabling the disabling auto-complete for the nixos layer.

4. Key bindings

4.1. NixOS Options

Key binding Description
SPC h > Call helm-nixos-options
SPC m = = Format buffer using nixfmt
SPC m f Call nix-flake transient

Author: root

Created: 2025-03-21 Fri 20:59
