Ruby layer
Table of ContentsClose
1. Description
This layer provides support for the Ruby programming language.
1.1. Features:
- Version manager (rbenv, rvm or chruby)
- Integration with bundler
- Test runner (ruby-test and rspec)
- Rake runner
- Linter (rubocop)
- Formatter (prettier)
- Interactive REPL and code navigation (robe)
- Interactive debugger using dap-mode
2. Install
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add ruby
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
This layer supports two different Ruby modes: Emacs's built-in Ruby Mode and
enh-ruby-mode. By default the built-in Ruby mode is enabled. To switch to the
set ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode
to t:
(defun dotspacemacs-configuration-layers () '((ruby :variables ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode t)))
2.1. Choosing a backend
To choose a default backend set the layer variable ruby-backend
(ruby :variables ruby-backend 'robe)
Alternatively the lsp
backend will be automatically chosen if the layer lsp
is used and you did not specify any value for ruby-backend
Backend can be chosen on a per project basis using directory local variables
(files named .dir-locals.el
at the root of a project), an example to use the
;;; Directory Local Variables ;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables") ((ruby-mode (ruby-backend . lsp)))
Note: you can easily add a directory local variable with SPC f v d
2.1.1. Robe
The default Ruby-mode backend. See Prerequisites for the necessary Gems to support Robe.
2.1.2. Language Server Protocol
IDE-like backend for Ruby. The only prerequisite gem is solargraph
which can be
installed globally with:
gem install solargraph
LSP also supports the DAP debugger which will be automatically configured upon using the LSP backend. Dap-mode can be setup here:
2.2. Prerequisites
Some of the advanced features supported by this layer depend on external gems that need to be installed in the context of your project (see below for guidance based on your version manager):
are required for jump to definition and code documentation (robe-mode
is required for goto-stepdefinition infeature-mode
is required for rubocop integrationprettier
is required for formattersolargraph
is required for using the language server protocol inruby-mode
You can install the gems in the context of your current project by
adding them to the Gemfile
, e.g.:
gem 'pry'
or on the command line (please refer to your ruby version manager specific documentation for details and caveats):
gem install pry
2.3. Ruby version management
This layer supports RVM, Rbenv, and Chruby. You can choose the default version
manager by setting the variable ruby-version-manager
in your dotfile, for
(defun dotspacemacs-configuration-layers () '((ruby :variables ruby-version-manager 'rvm)))
When a version manager is enabled it will use the currently activated ruby
except if a .ruby-version
file exists in which case the ruby version of
this file is used.
will also try to look for a .rvmrc
and gemfile
, the priority order is
then .ruby-version
then gemfile
Note: Only one version manager at a time can be enabled.
2.4. Test runner
This layer supports RSpec
, ruby-test
and minitest
test runners
(frameworks). By default ruby-test
is used, to change to another frameworks
set the layer variable ruby-test-runner
Example to set the test runner to RSpec
(defun dotspacemacs-configuration-layers () '((ruby :variables ruby-test-runner 'rspec)))
You can enable different test runners for different projects by using
directory local variables.
2.5. Formatting
If you'd like to use prettier/plugin-ruby to format on save:
(defun dotspacemacs-configuration-layers () '((ruby :variables ruby-prettier-on-save t)))
Note that the prettier
binary must be available in the project's
or on exec-path
3. Key bindings
3.1. Ruby (enh-ruby-mode, robe, inf-ruby, ruby-tools)
Key binding | Description |
SPC m g g |
go to definition (robe-jump) |
SPC m h h |
show documentation for method at point (robe-doc) |
SPC m s b |
send buffer |
SPC m s B |
send buffer and switch to REPL |
SPC m s f |
send function definition |
SPC m s F |
send function definition and switch to REPL |
SPC m s i |
start REPL |
SPC m s q |
quit REPL |
SPC m s l |
send line |
SPC m s L |
send line and switch to REPL |
SPC m s r |
send region |
SPC m s R |
send region and switch to REPL |
SPC m s s |
switch to REPL |
~SPC m x '~ | Change symbol or " string to ' |
~SPC m x "~ | Change symbol or ' string to " |
SPC m x : |
Change string to symbol |
SPC m x h |
toggle hash syntax in active region |
SPC m = = |
format buffer using prettier |
% |
evil-matchit jumps between blocks |
3.2. Debugger
Using the dap
layer you'll get access to all the DAP key bindings, see the
complete list of key bindings on the dap layer description.
3.3. Bundler
Key binding | Description |
SPC m b c |
run bundle check |
SPC m b i |
run bundle install |
SPC m b s |
run bundle console |
SPC m b u |
run bundle update |
SPC m b x |
run bundle exec |
SPC m b o |
run bundle open |
3.4. RuboCop
Key binding | Description |
SPC m = r |
Format the current buffer using RuboCop |
SPC m R f |
Runs RuboCop on the currently visited file |
SPC m R F |
Runs auto-correct on the currently visited file |
SPC m R d |
Prompts from a directory on which to run RuboCop |
SPC m R D |
Prompts for a directory on which to run auto-correct |
SPC m R p |
Runs RuboCop on the entire project |
SPC m R P |
Runs auto-correct on the project |
3.5. Tests
3.5.1. RSpec-mode
When ruby-test-runner
equals rspec
Key binding | Description |
SPC m t a |
run all specs |
SPC m t b |
run current spec file |
SPC m t c |
run the current spec file and subsequent ones |
SPC m t d |
run tests in a directory |
SPC m t e |
mark example as pending |
SPC m t f |
run method |
SPC m t l |
run last failed spec |
SPC m t m |
run specs related to the current buffer |
SPC m t r |
re-run last spec |
SPC m t t |
run spec at pointer |
SPC m t TAB |
toggle between spec's and target's buffer |
SPC m t ~ |
toggle between spec's and target's buffer find example |
3.5.2. Ruby-test-mode
When ruby-test-runner
equals ruby-test
Key binding | Description |
SPC m t b |
run test file |
SPC m t t |
run test at pointer |
3.5.3. minitest-mode
When ruby-test-runner
equals minitest
Key binding | Description |
SPC m t a |
run all tests |
SPC m t b |
run current file |
SPC m t r |
repeat last test command |
SPC m t s |
run test for current file |
3.6. Toggles
Key binding | Description |
SPC m T ' |
Toggle quotes of current string (only built-in mode) |
SPC m T { |
Toggle style of current block (only built-in mode) |
3.7. Rake
Key binding | Description |
SPC m k k |
Runs rake |
SPC m k r |
Re-runs the last rake task |
SPC m k R |
Regenerates the rake cache |
SPC m k f |
Finds definition of a rake task |
3.8. Refactor
Key binding | Description |
SPC m r e m |
Extract to method |
SPC m r e v |
Extract local variable |
SPC m r e c |
Extract constant |
SPC m r e l |
Extract to let (rspec) |
4. Configuration
4.1. Layer options
Variable | Default value | Description |
ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode |
nil |
If non-nil, use enh-ruby-mode package instead of the built-in Ruby Mode. |
ruby-version-manager |
nil |
If non nil, defines the Ruby version manager.Possible values are rbenv , rvm or chruby . |
ruby-test-runner |
ruby-test |
Test runner to use. Possible values are ruby-test , minitest or rspec . |
ruby-highlight-debugger-keywords |
t |
If non-nil, enable highlight for debugger keywords. |
ruby-backend |
robe |
Defines the backend for IDE feature. Possible values are robe or lsp . |
4.2. Disabling the automatic insertion of encoding comment
Note that ruby-mode
and enh-ruby-mode
will automatically insert the encoding comment # coding: utf-8
at the top of a `.rb
file, if it contains UTF-8 characters. This might not be desired in Ruby 2.0+, since UTF-8 has become the default encoding. In fact, this will trigger an error with Robocop.
The fix is to set the variable ruby-insert-encoding-magic-comment
) or enh-ruby-add-encoding-comment-on-save
) to nil
, e.g.
(defun dotspacemacs-configuration-layers () '((ruby :variables ruby-insert-encoding-magic-comment nil)))