Table of Contents

Groovy layer

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1. Description

This layer supports Groovy development in Spacemacs.

1.1. Features:

  • Auto-completion
  • Syntax-checking
  • Auto-generate imports with groovy-imports
  • Groovy REPL integration
  • Syntax highlighting

2. Install

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add groovy to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

3. Configuration

All layer configurations can be done by setting layer variables in your dotfile. No custom user config lines are necessary

3.1. Choosing a backend

This layer provides two alternative backends to choose from.

3.1.1. Company-groovy

This is the default choice if nothing is set and no lsp layer is loaded in your dotfile. This mode only provides very limited IDE capabilities. Used best if only small scripts are edited. To set explicitly set the following in your dotfile:

(groovy :variables groovy-backend 'company-groovy)

3.1.2. LSP

For proper IDE support this backend should be used. It is based on an external server which will be started automatically by emacs, once a groovy file is opened. The key bindings are the same for all lsp modes so if you are already familiar with one you should be able to work the same in all modes.

To set explicitly do the following in your dotfile:

(groovy :variables
        groovy-backend 'lsp
        groovy-lsp-jar-path "path/to/groovy/lsp/jar-all.jar")

For this to work you will also need to obtain the latest version of the lsp server from here. The path to the server jar must be given in the layer variable groovy-lsp-jar-path.

NOTE: Key bindings for LSP are defined in the LSP layer. Also it is advisable to have a look at the autocomplete layer for an optimal intellisense config for LSP.

NOTE: The build on will generate two jar files. You will need the groovy-language-server-all.jar as the groovy-lsp-jar-path.

4. Key bindings

4.1. Imports

Key binding Description
SPC m r i Add import for symbol around point

4.2. REPL

Key binding Description
SPC m s b send buffer to REPL and stay in buffer
SPC m s B send buffer and switch to REPL buffer
SPC m s e send sexp in front of the cursor to the REPL
SPC m s f send function to REPL and stay in buffer
SPC m s F send function to REPL and switch to REPL buffer
SPC m s r send current region to REPL and stay in buffer
SPC m s R send current region to REPL and switch to REPL buffer

Author: root

Created: 2025-01-31 Fri 06:53
